In 2014 the Bedford Research Foundation Clinical Laboratory was inspected by the FDA, we have posted the report here:
SPAR program mentioned in Fertility and Sterility Article
“Despite reasonable fecundity in HIV-infected patients, assisted reproductive services for this population have not been readily available in the United States. This is in spite of options such as that offered by the Bedford Research Foundation, where HIV-seropositive men can mail sperm samples directly from home, testing can be performed, and only specimens where no HIV is detected will be mailed back to the referring clinic. This means that any clinic capable of performing IUI or IVF-ICSI with a frozen sperm sample could potentially provide treatment for serodiscordant couples without having specimens in their laboratory with detectable HIV.”
Fertility and Sterility
“Efficacy and safety of intrauterine insemination and assisted reproductive technology in populations serodiscordant for human immunodeficiency virus: a systematic review and meta-analysis”
Vol. 102 No. 2 August 2014